Jennifer reddington

Season 6[]

“Dr. Hans Koehler”

Liz and Jennifer track a lead in an old newspaper article about a fire in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. They discover the site of the vacation home which was the scene of the legendary ‘night of the fire’ from Liz’s past. The sisters discover the house is entirely gone, finding only the foundation concrete and a local sheriff with fleeting memories of that night.

“The Corsican”

Liz and Jennifer toast to their plan to get Reddington out the way while they search for clues to his true identity. Liz expresses overwhelming guilt to Jennifer about going through with it.

“Marko Jankowics”

While sneaking up on Dr. Hans Koehler’s former nurse Marguerite Renard, Liz and Jennifer are ambushed by a protective detail for her, as she turns out to be the current girlfriend of Hungarian kingpin Marko ”Sarkany” Jankowics. Liz escapes but the armed men throw Jennifer in their vehicle and take her to Sarkany for interrogation. He believes her to be a federal agent until she learns of her sister’s position at the FBI. Fearing nowhere else to turn, Liz enlists Ressler to help her spring Jennifer from Sarkany’s safe house and is forced to tell Reddington of Jennifer’s abduction. Reddington uses his considerable connections in the prison to get Liz the address for Sarkany in Federal Hill, Baltimore. Ressler proposes to Sarkany a trade of stolen drugs from one of his mules, for Jennifer’s life and safe return. Once Liz recovers Jennifer, Sarkany double crosses Ressler but not before Ressler shoots him dead.


After tracking down her grandfather Dominic Wilkinson, Liz finally learns the truth about what happened to the real Raymond Reddington and the identity of the imposter, Ilya Koslov. Liz learns that the man she shot on the night of the fire was in fact the real Reddington who died despite Katarina Rostova and Ilya Koslov rescuing him from the fire. While expressing her concerns about Reddington being publicly destroyed, Katarina expresses concern for Naomi and Jennifer and what they will think of their husband and father.

Season 4[]

“Miles McGrath”

She reappeared in a flashback. As Liz is reading her diary, she not only learns about Katarina’s affair with Red, but also a rare cancer plaguing the males in Rostov’s family. She also mentioned that she is glad that Masha won’t suffer the from the rare cancer that Constantin suffers from due to her gender. Katarina and Liz briefly see each other.


We learn the history of Raymond Reddington, Kathryn Nemec, Katarina, Constantin Rostov, Sam Scott, and Elizabeth Keen.

“Mr. Kaplan: Conclusion”

It is revealed that Reddington was involved in Katarina’s fate. Dembe comments that he doesn’t think Elizabeth will “ever be ready to learn about what you did to Katarina”.

Season 2[]

“Monarch Douglas Bank”

In this episode we learn Kate’s first name when she arrives to clean up 3 of Red’s murders. She is disturbed with him and says so which causes him to lash out at her, calling her “Kate”, telling her to do her job. He apologizes moments later knowing that she is only concerned with his recent spree of deaths she has had to clean up after.

“Dr. James Covington”

Liz asks for Kate’s help in examining corpses to avoid the difficulty of obtaining legal warrants. She determines all 4 are missing their lungs and hearts while 3 are also missing livers because the fourth’s was too sick to be sold on the black market.

Kate states that she was sleeping with a coroner’s sister from Des Moines in the past after Red remembers sharing reuben soup with the Kate and the coroner.

“Vanessa Cruz”

Reddington sends Kate to negotiate an employment contract with Vanessa Cruz on his behalf. This demonstrates that Kate can act as a more mundane liaison for Red, in addition to her other specialties.

“Leonard Caul”

After Reddington is shot, Dembe instructs Elizabeth to call Kate, who answers and instructs Elizabeth and Dembe to drive to an abandoned warehouse while she texts several doctors, nurses, and EMTs, all of whom drop what they are doing at their day jobs, and set up an operating room at the warehouse. During Raymond’s surgery, she kills 2 assassins disguised as FBI agents, stating that agents normally carry Glocks or Sigs, showing she has an excellent proficiency with firearms. She has him moved to another location and agrees to pay Nik Korpal 500,000 dollars to remove a bullet that could explode inside his body. Later on, she is seen guarding a recovering Raymond stating that she will not leave him and do anything to keep him alive, only after great protest does she finally leave.

“Tom Connolly”

Kate shows Reddington a room he plans to use as their first strike against the Cabal after they frame Liz for a mass bombing of CIA agents and poisoning Senator Hawkins.

Which of these Raymond Reddington quotes is your favorite?

As you can see from the quotes above, Raymond Reddington is a complex, genius, narcissist who is always a few steps ahead of everyone else.

His focus is never on the task at hand, but what that task at hand leads to and the FBI needs to learn to start thinking like Reddington in order to keep up with him.

A sociopath who seemingly has no emotion or care for others, Reddington does show a fondness for a few loved ones throughout the series, but he is still the number one concern to himself.

With Reddington’s intellect, charm, and cold-blooded reasoning he is able to get in and out of most situations and his past makes him an integral resource for the FBI as he leads them in capturing many high-profile criminals.

Check out Raymond Reddington in The Blacklist and see if you are as cunning as he is.

Did you enjoy these Raymond Reddington quotes and lines? Which of the quotes is your favorite? Let us know in the comment section below.


Not much is known about Dominic Wilkinson’ past aside from the facts that he was born in Russia and that he is a notorious KGB agent that operated in the United States under the code name “Oleander”, having been investigated by the FBI. Sometime in his life, he had his daughter Katarina Rostova with Virginia Loving. Dom trained Katarina to be a KGB agent just like him and, as her handler, Dom assigned to Katarina the mission to seduce and spy on Raymond Reddington. Following the end of the Cold War, Dom moved to a reclusive house in the United States and assumed the identity of Dominic Wilkinson, a retired systems analyst, and cut down all ties with his family to protect them from reprisals. When it was discovered that Katarina Rostova betrayed the KGB for the Cabal, Dom helped his daughter to escape from Russia and disappear. One year later, following the formation of the Townsend Directive, Dom tried to kill a KGB agent named Tatiana Petrova with a car bomb in Belgrade after framing her as Katarina, in order to keep his granddaughter Masha safe from the Directive, but he failed and killed Tatiana’s husband instead.

Dom is among the very few who know that Raymond Reddington is not the real Raymond Reddington, but an imposter who took over his identity over 30 years ago. As much as Dominic despises him, he has shown to care for Red, as he respected his wishes in not letting his granddaughter know what happened to her mother.

Season 8[]


As Liz learns the truth, Dom appears to her both in flashbacks and as an image to help explain. It’s revealed that Dom had actually told Liz most of the truth about her mother and Ilya Koslov, but he had lied about who had become the fake Reddington. Liz also learns that Dom and Ilya had set up a woman named Tatiana Petrova in order to fake the real Katarina’s death, but only killed her husband instead. It was Tatiana and not Katarina who had tortured Dom in order to find Katarina’s location and get her life back by revealing the truth to Neville Townsend. Dom had revealed to Tatiana where she could find Katarina before he died, forcing Reddington to kill Tatiana to keep her from revealing that information to Townsend.

Season 5[]

“Greyson Blaise”

One of Kaplan’s associates, Albert Dennison, is found by Tom, tied to a chair and tortured. Tom hides just as Dembe and Reddington enter, revealing they are responsible. Reddington asks where the suitcase is, only for Dennison to laugh before Reddington shoots him twice in the chest. Before he dies, he tells Tom to look for Oleander.

“The Kilgannon Corporation”

Reddington mentioned that during the war with Kaplan, she destroyed his human smuggling networks and the Kilgannons took over his routes.

“Sutton Ross”

After discovering the truth about what is in the duffle bag of bones, Liz lists Kate as one of the people who died trying to reveal the truth to her: the bones belong to the real Raymond Reddington who was truly killed by Liz when she was a kid while protecting her mother and was replaced by the man Liz has known all along as Reddington.

Unanswered Questions[]

  1. Is Katarina Rostova alive?
    1. A: Information is inconclusive. It first was said that she committed suicide by drowning in the sea, but her body was never recovered so it’s possible that she could still be alive. She might have stolen someone’s identity to go into hiding.
    2. A: In “Rassvet” we learn that she fled the Cabal’s wrath and did fake her death by walking into the sea. Her fate still remains unknown as Dominic Wilkinson has not heard from her in 28 years despite Katarina’s promises and believes she would have made contact if she was still alive.
    3. A: In “Robert Diaz”, Katarina is revealed to be alive and living in Paris.
    4. A: In “Katarina Rostova: Conclusion“ Reddington shoots Katarina to protect his identity.
    5. A: In ”Godwin Page”, Reddington says that Katarina was never killed.



  • 7 мая 2020 года было объявлено, что Лаура Сон, которая в предыдущем сезоне играла повторяющуюся роль Алины Пак, стала постоянным участником сериала.
  • Рон Рейнс заменил Брайана Деннехи в роли из-за смерти последнего до начала съемок.
  • Кларк Миддлтон , сыгравший Глена Картера, следопыта Реддингтона, умер в октябре 2020 года.
  • 15 июня 2021 года было объявлено, что Меган Бун покинет сериал после восьми сезонов.

Съемки фильма

Производство восьмого сезона началось в сентябре 2020 года с соблюдением полных протоколов безопасности на фоне пандемии COVID-19 .

Отъезд Йона Бокенкампа

24 июня 2021 года создатель сериала Джон Бокенкамп объявил, что покидает сериал после 8 сезонов, чтобы перейти к новым проектам.

Season 1[]

“Anslo Garrick: Conclusion”

Red gave Elizabeth Keen contact details for Kate while they were in the ambulance.

After Liz had killed one of the men spying on her and Tom Keen, she called Kate rather than the FBI. Liz was surprised when a woman arrived, but Kate quickly took charge and arranged for the cleaning of the site and the disposal of the body.

Kate then organized the raid on a possible location for Red, which is led by Baz while Dembe Zuma guards Kate and Liz.

“The Cyprus Agency”

She is called by Red to clean up the crime scene after he killed Diane Fowler. He apologized for the mess, but she said that she had been cleaning up after him for a long time.


Kate meets up with Red and Dembe to show them her discovery of the deceased bodies of Lucy Brooks and the Cowboy, further proving his suspicions of Tom Keen. Red states that Kate is a “bloodhound” when it comes to locating corpses. Red tells her to cover it up the same way it was buried and he will decide the next course of action.

Raymond Red Reddington Quotes About His Thoughts

21. “You lost her. I can’t find her. It’s that simple.” – Raymond Reddington

22. “I could tell you how to win a marathon, but you’re assuming it’s a 26.6-mile race.” – Raymond Reddington

23. “As a rule, I consider jealousy to be a base emotion, but in this case, It’s quite endearing.” – Raymond Reddington

24. “You look familiar…Have I threatened you before?” – Raymond Reddington

25. “I’m not a gumball machine, Lizzy. You don’t get to just twist the handle whenever you want a treat.” – Raymond Reddington

26. “See, This is why I don’t go to family reunions.” – Raymond Reddington

27. “Shut the hell up.” – Raymond Reddington

28. “I can only led you to the truth. I can’t make you believe it.” – Raymond Reddington

29. “It’s a good to meet you. I’ve heard nothing but terrible things.” – Raymond Reddington

30. “Let me put your mind at ease.” – Raymond Reddington

Season 8[]

“Dr. Laken Perillos“

Laken Perillos tortures Raymond Reddington and Dembe Zuma to discover the location of the Sikorsky archive. Townsend later pummels Max Ruddiger because his failure.

“Captain Kidd“

Townsend contracts with the Saudi secret police to deliver a renowned human rights defender into their custody in exchange for Bitcoin payment made through an intermediary. When the job is botched with help from the Task Force, Townsend realizes William Benedict may be taken into FBI custody. Townsend arrives to kill Benedict to cover his tracks.

“Nicholas Obenrader”

Neville learns of Liz’s duplicity after Vandyke puts malware on Donald Ressler’s cell. Through the malware, he discovers the identity of Reddington’s friend Ivan Stepanov. While keeping Liz in the dark about what he knows, Neville moves swiftly to kidnap Ivan, and confront him about N-13 and the Sikorsky Archive. Meanwhile, Reddington places a double agent, Priya Laghari, inside Townsend’s organization with orders to assassinate him.

“Ivan Stepanov”

The events of the night Neville’s family was killed are shown. Neville recounts the story to Ivan while he tortures Ivan with an electric shock collar and drugs. When Ivan finally breaks down, he whispers something into Neville’s ear. This changes his focus from torturing Ivan to vowing suffering and death on Elizabeth. By this time, Reddington knows through Priya the location of Townsend and attacks the building. A firefight ensues. Eventually, the FBI arrives as well. Reddington manages to leave by then. Townsend issues a new directive targeting Elizabeth Keen, Raymond Reddington, Priya Laghari, and the Task Force, over Elizabeth’s unknown connection to the death of his family.

“The Protean”

Neville hires the Protean as part of his directive. While the Protean prefers to work his jobs his way, Neville persistently calls him for updates on Elizabeth’s whereabouts.

“Balthazar ‘Bino’ Baker”

Neville and his men are on Elizabeth’s trail. He learns she and Ressler are in the Seventh Ward. He drives out there and pays school students to locate their location. Bino finds out it’s Neville that she is hiding from, so he reports to Neville that he has Elizabeth in his custody in order to appease him, and to apologize for helping Reddington unwittingly. Neville’s team fails to capture her but they manage to seriously wound Ressler.

“Godwin Page”

Neville breaches Bino’s chess club, the Castle, to find Elizabeth, only finding Balthazar Baker’s corpse. Keen located the hidden door leading into Bino’s pipeline and made an escape with Reddington and Dembe. After losing her again, Neville turns his attention to sending Godwin away to safety as the FBI has authorized an arrest warrant. This turns out to be one of Reddington’s sleight of hand magick tricks and Godwin is captured. Elizabeth aids Godwin’s escape in exchange for Neville killing Reddington and ending the vendetta. Elizabeth uses Godwin’s tracking chip to give Neville Red’s location, but Neville arrives too late, Red’s has taken Elizabeth away on his private jet.


He attacks the bunker before Liz learns the true name of Red. He reveals that he has not slept with stability in 25 years. He is killed in an explosion set by Red.


His corpse is identified. It was revealed his syndicate worked with Russian, Serbian, Italian, Chinese, American, and British mafia groups. After his death, they will come to take over his empire.


Raymond Reddington nació el 7 de febrero de 1960 en una localidad de Massachusetts, en los Estados Unidos.

Asistió a la Academia Naval, graduándose el primer en su promoción a la edad de 24. Mientras se preparaba para ser almirante, desapareció en una visita a su familia durante la navidad de 1990. 4 años después reapareció vendiendo documentos clasificados a criminales.

Durante los siguientes 20 años se creó una red de contactos; que incluyen espías, ladrones, hackers y asesinos. Durante este tiempo; los activos estadounidenses situados en Moscú, Islamabad y Beijing fueron comprometidos.

Red acabó infiltrado en el sector privado, sin existir industria que no pudiera alcanzar; incluyendo tecnología, navíos, comunicaciones y fármacos. Finalmente terminó vendiendo información secreta que sirviera para iniciar guerras, derrocar gobiernos e influenciar geo-políticamente según las necesidades. Estas actividades le valieron el sobrenombre de el conserje del crimen, debido a su habilidad para realizar tratos entre varias facciones del mercado negro.

Alcanzó el cuarto número de la lista de más buscados del FBI, como un fugitivo en condición de «arresto inmediato», algo que consiguieron cuando él mismo visitó sus instalaciones para entregarse («Piloto»).

​Raymond Reddington’s Shoes

No, Red does not wear Converse Chuck Taylors or Vans, Red wears a practical yet stylish dress shoe.

I have not been able to track down the exact shoes Red wears on the show. After doing research, I have learned many believe they are called Ferragamo Stream in Auburn deer, but I have been unable to verify this or find this shoe sold online.

I have however, found a close match with the Bostonian Wendell Oxford​.

​His shoes are not a main focus point in his overall style in my opinion. So, I think you are safe to go with most brown dress shoes, but if you want to get as close as you can to what Red wears on the show, I say go with the Bostonian Oxford’s.

​What Kind of Suit Does Red Wear?

Red’s trademark style is an unbuttoned, stylish, three piece suit. Red dresses sharp and he has some really nice suits, so it is really important to make sure that you are getting a quality suit and not some frumpy thing made in the 90’s.

You do not need to go to a fancy Men’s formal wear store to get a nice suit these days. I recommend​ this three piece suit.  These suits come in five different colors and feature the three key pieces — jacket, pants, and vest.

Another thing I like is that the suits are considerably inexpensive when considering how expensive some name brand suits can get.

Another option is this Calvin Klein three piece suit.  They offer a name brand while still keeping cost down.

You can also mix and match and buy the three pieces separately. Often Red will wear a vest that is a different color than his suit and jacket. For this look I suggest getting a two piece suit like this Kenneth Cole suit​ and this Perry Ellis black suit vest.

Don’t forget a tie! Red wears a wide variety of ties.  Just make sure the tie matches the rest of the suit and you are good to go.​

​Red’s Shirts

When it comes to choosing a shirt, I would suggest going with a light color shirt like light blue, white, or white with blue pinstripes.

Red wears dark colored suits so his shirts are always a light color. My top choice is this Tommy Hilfiger pinstripe shirt.

I also like this white Calvin Klein button up​ as well as this Van Heusen for the light blue option.

Season 5[]

“The Invisible Hand”

He met his granddaughter Elizabeth for the first time, though he didn’t divulge his true identity to her. However he did share on how he knew her mother Katarina. After she left, Dom called Reddington to inform him of Elizabeth’s visit, in the end he expressed his frustration on having seen his granddaughter for the first time in 30 years without informing her of who he is. Dominic also warned him to stop being evasive and tell her the truth about what he did, to which he hung up on him.

“Sutton Ross”

After recovering the duffle bag of bones, Red returns to Dom’s cabin with Dembe. Dom watches as Reddington burns the bones of what is revealed to be the real Raymond Reddington who had been killed and replaced decades before by the imposter known as Raymond Reddington. Aware of the man’s secret, Dom warns that while Liz may not know his secret, she knows he has one and will never stop till she discovers it. However, Dom, Dembe and Raymond are unaware that Liz has already learned the truth, that Raymond is not the real Raymond Reddington.

​How Does Raymond Reddington Dress?

Red’s style is very much like his personality. Very smart, sharp and confident.

I think the costume designer did excellent work to match character to style. Red typically will wear a three piece suit consisting of suit jacket, pants, suit vest and tie.

On occasion Red will substitute his suit jacket for a windbreaker or long black coat.

In addition, Red will often wear a fedora, gold frame cognac lens aviator sunglasses and made complete with stylish dress shoes.

Please check out the purchasing guide above and we will get into more detail on how to dress like Raymond “Red” Reddington — and also help give you a few ideas on how to compile a «Red» costume.


Katarina Rostova is a former KGB intelligence officer and the mother of Elizabeth Keen. Trained by her father, Katarina was assigned with the mission of seducing and spying on Raymond Reddington. Also, at an unknown time, Katarina became a double agent for the Cabal and started to work directly for Alan Fitch, betraying the KGB. The real Raymond Reddington, Liz’s father, took Liz from her and fled. Katarina gave up everything to follow her lover and her daughter. When she finally found them, she and Raymond began arguing. The argument escalated into a physical confrontation that resulted in Liz shooting her father to protect her mother. Katarina and her childhood friend Ilya Koslov pulled Reddington from the fire in an attempt to save his life, but failed and Reddington died. She then gave up Liz to protect her.

Constantin Rostov, Katarina’s husband, told Elizabeth that Katarina and Raymond had an affair which she at some point ended. Upset, Raymond allegedly took Liz from her parents.

Depressed that the child she adored killed the only man that she ever loved, Katarina was never the same again. Two months later she went to Cape May, New Jersey, left her clothes on the beach and walked into the sea.

Both “Red” and Sam Scott told Liz that her mother died. Most people in the intelligence community believe that Katarina Rostova never existed. Several CIA officers viewed her as a Soviet Mata Hari whose career had been glorified for propaganda reasons. She was a myth and had been a cover identity for numerous female Soviet operatives. However, there have been signs that Katarina Rostova faked her own death. Anton Velov was tasked with hunting her down and tracked her to a hotel in Prague. When Anton came, he found that she had left the hotel in a hurry but forgot to take the picture of Masha with her. In “Drexel”, it was revealed that a painting was commissioned titled “Rostova”.

In “Mr. Kaplan: Conclusion” it is revealed that Reddington was involved in Katarina’s fate. Dembe comments that he doesn’t think Elizabeth will “ever be ready to learn about what you did to Katarina”. Red is determined to make sure Liz never learns the truth of what happened to her mother, believing the truth will damage her beyond repair.

Besides Red, only a few people seem to know the truth of what happened to Katarina, including her father Dominic Wilkinson, Kathryn Nemec, Dembe Zuma, Sam Scott, and Naomi Hyland.

In “Rassvet”, it is confirmed that she faked her death by walking into the sea due to the numerous people after her. After Katarina intervened to stop a rape, she realized that Anton Velov would hear of it and know she was still alive. Hunted by Velov and his men, Ilya took on the identity of Raymond Reddington to protect them both and to keep Reddington from being discredited. Katarina met her father when he made it to America himself and promised to send him a letter via a post office box when it was safe for her again. According to Dom, he checked the box every week for 28 years and never once received word from Katarina. As such, Dom isn’t sure she’s still alive, believing that she would have contacted him if she was.

In “Robert Diaz” it is revealed that Katarina is alive and is living in Paris. Red tracks her down and finds her walking on a dark street. Katarina kisses him, and then stabs him with a syringe. A van pulls up and takes Red away and Katarina walks off holding Red’s fedora.

In «Nachalo», it is revealed that Dom had Tatiana Petrova impersonate Katarina in order to protect the real Katerina and her daughter from the Cabal and the KGB. Katerina is alive and in hiding with a new identity with only a few people knowing this information.

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